MSSQL Tips: Tip #17 – Using Policy Based Management to check that SQL Server indexes are created in the correct filegroup

Another tip about using Policy Based Management for the SQL Server checks.

Please read the latest MSSQL Tip: “Using Policy Based Management to check that SQL Server indexes are created in the correct filegroup“.

Check out all of my tips here:


MSSQL Tips: Tip #16 – Several Methods to collect SQL Server Stored Procedure Execution History

In this tip you can learn about stored procedures execution history monitoring.

Please read the latest MSSQL Tip: “Several Methods to collect SQL Server Stored Procedure Execution History“.

Check out all of my tips here:


MSSQL Tips: Tip #15 – Automated collection of SQL Server database connections for monitoring

Here is a tip about automated monitoring of the high number of SQL Server connections.

Please read my latest MSSQL Tip: “Automated collection of SQL Server database connections for monitoring“.

Check out all of my tips here:


MSSQL Tips: Tip #14 – Using WMI alerts to import SQL Server Default Trace events

And another tip about WMI alerts use.

Please read the latest MSSQL Tip: “Using WMI alerts to import SQL Server Default Trace events“.

Check out all of my tips here:


MSSQL Tips: Tip #13 – Monitor SQL Server Database File Growth with WMI Alerts

In this tip you can find another example of WMI alerts use.

Please read the latest MSSQL Tip: “Monitor SQL Server Database File Growth with WMI Alerts“.

Check out all of my tips here:


MSSQL Tips: Tip #11 – Script to get CPU and Cores for SQL Server 2012 Licensing

This MSSQLTips tip will help you to audit your SQL Server licensing with PowerShell script.

Please read the latest MSSQL Tip: “Script to get CPU and Cores for SQL Server 2012 Licensing“.

Check out all of my tips here:


MSSQL Tips: Tip #10 – Different Ways to Find SQL Server Object Dependencies

In my 10th MSSQLTips tip you will learn about different ways to display objects dependencies and you will learn how to use provided scripts in your day-to-day work.

Please read the latest MSSQL Tip: “Different Ways to Find SQL Server Object Dependencies“.

Check out all of my tips here:


MSSQL Tips: Tip #9 – Creating a multi-server query SSRS report using Central Management Servers

In this tip I demonstrate how to create single SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) report that will display SQL Servers versions for all of the SQL Servers that are registered in Central Management Server.

Please read this MSSQL Tip: “Creating a multi-server query SSRS report using Central Management Servers“.

Check out all of my tips here:


Q&A – SQL Server Developer: How to search for the text in stored procedures

SQL Server provides different metadata views that can help developers in their work, but sometimes developers are not up to date with the latest system tables and views changes.

In this Q&A we provide the query to search for the specific text in the stored procedures, views or functions. This is the easiest way to search for the string in objects definitions:

WHERE [definition] LIKE '%my_search_string%'

Another way is using syscomments system table which was used in older versions of SQL Server:

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(ID) FROM sys.syscomments 
WHERE [text] LIKE '%my_search_string%'

Also, you can use OBJECT_DEFINITION metadata function:

SELECT name, type_desc FROM sys.all_objects 
